Latest Episodes

Why We Exist As a Church - Part 2
Pastor Wesley Walker gives rise to the fallacy of God's church being "invisible", the idea being that God's people are scattered throughout even in...

Why We Exist As a Church - Part 1
Pastor Wesley Walker gives a sermon regarding how God nourished and kept HIS church alive during the dark ages of the persecution by the...

Service for Desiree
Sermon from 1996? regarding someone such as Desiree that has decided to join the church of God and how the church offers "the right...

Little Is MUCH If God Is In It - Wesley Walker
A good reminder if we have faith as the grain of a mustard seed. Sermon Date: 2/3/1996. Companion Links: Podcast Channels: CoG7d, The Living...

God's Holy Sabbath, Genesis to Revelation
A whole host of scriptures are read, from Genesis to Revelation, for a local radio broadcast concerning the Almighty's holy seventh-day Sabbath and HIS...

How Jesus Changed The Law - Ray Straub
Speaker: Ray Straub Source: THE DOCTRINAL CASSETTE SERIES of the Church of God (Seventh Day), Denver CO. Converted from cassette tape to MP3 in...