A good reminder if we have faith as the grain of a mustard seed.
Sermon Date: 2/3/1996.
Companion Links:
Podcast Channels: CoG7d, The Living Word
https://mcalestercog7d.com - McAlester, OK
https://facebook.com/sscog7dfsm - Ft. Smith, AR
https://facebook.com/tripletreecog7 - San Antonio, TX
https://wcog7.com - Oklahoma City, OK
https://youtube.com/@church7net464 - Joplin, MO
God's Advice - Tulsa, OK (former pastor Guy Marley)
Christ "Mass" - Tulsa, OK (former pastor Guy Marley)
https://facebook.com/COG7FORTSMITH - Ft. Smith, AR
Christ the Rock Christian Ministries - the late Wilbur Dornberger
https://hammondvillecog7.org - Hammondville, AL
Facebook Group for Christians - Non-Paganism & Non-Feast Keeping
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