Why We Exist As a Church - Part 1

January 31, 2023 0:00:00
Why We Exist As a Church - Part 1
Church of God 7th Day
Why We Exist As a Church - Part 1

Jan 31 2023 | 0:00:00


Show Notes

Pastor Wesley Walker gives a sermon regarding how God nourished and kept HIS church alive during the dark ages of the persecution by the evil Roman Catholic religious system.

Sermon Date: 7/30/1988

@09:00 "Brethren, there again I want you to take the note of the word "evil".  Evil does not always mean that someone is stealing, or is going to kill somebody, or has killed somebody, or is going to commit adultery, or has committed adultery... evil also means someone who is not in harmony with the will of God! They can be "worshipping" God, they might be "acknowledging" God as the Creator, and still be evil from the standpoint of the scriptures."

Part 2 - Sermon Date: 8/6/1988 coming soon

Also recorded in 1995:
Part 1 - Sermon Date: 6/10/1995 coming soon
Part 2 - Sermon Date: 6/17/1995 coming soon

Companion Links:

Podcast Channels: CoG7d, The Living Word

https://mcalestercog7d.com - McAlester, OK

https://facebook.com/sscog7dfsm - Ft. Smith, AR

https://facebook.com/tripletreecog7 - San Antonio, TX

https://wcog7.com - Oklahoma City, OK

https://youtube.com/@church7net464 - Joplin, MO

God's Advice - Tulsa, OK (former pastor Guy Marley)

Christ "Mass" - Tulsa, OK (former pastor Guy Marley)

https://facebook.com/COG7FORTSMITH - Ft. Smith, AR

Christ the Rock Christian Ministries - the late Wilbur Dornberger

https://hammondvillecog7.org - Hammondville, AL

Facebook Group for Christians - Non-Paganism & Non-Feast Keeping

 Scripture for consideration:

@4:05 - "Why try to walk it alone?"
“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
(Matthew 7:14)

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”
(2 Corinthians 6:17)


“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

“I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved.” Psalm 119:47

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