Latest Episodes

The Great Tribulation - Will You Be In It? - Trinidad Padilla
Church of God Seventh Day, Shawnee Oklahoma, USA Sermon date: Nov. 1, 1982 @26:00 "And when I became a Christian and I began to...

The Millennium, the 1,000-Year Reign of Christ on Earth - Part 2
Part 2 regarding the purpose of the millennium. Sermon given by pastor Wesley Walker on Sabbath, 6/15/1996, about the literal 1,000-year reign of Christ...

The Millennium, the 1,000-Year Reign of Christ on Earth - Part 1
Part 1 regarding the proof of the millennium. Sermon given by pastor Wesley Walker on Sabbath, 6/8/1996, about the literal 1,000-year reign of Christ...

Passover - Part 2
Sermon given by pastor Wesley Walker on Sabbath, 4/11/1987, regarding how we observe the Lord's supper under the new testament instead of the old...

"Remember" ♫
Hymn - "Remember" (dark Calvary). Sang in Sabbath service on 4/4/1987. Pastor Wesley Walker invites anyone that's willing to accept Jesus' blood sacrifice for...

Passover - Part 1
Sermon given by pastor Wesley Walker on Sabbath, 4/4/1987, regarding the old testament Passover - Part 1. Church location unknown. Listen to Part 2.