Carl Palmer - Series on the Law (Part 3 of 4).
Part 1: Exploring Types of Law
Part 2: Principles of the Law
Part 3: We Are Not Under the Law, But Under Grace
Part 4: The Two Covenants
Circa 1980's - 90's, recorded on cassette tapes, converted to mp3 Dec 2022.
@2:20 "We cannot live in sin openly and knowingly, and remain the child of God."
~ Carl Palmer
@5:45 "THERE IS NO WAY, that we can live, under grace, until we become a child of God."
~ Carl Palmer
Some seem to make the excuse for "knowingly" and even use the old saying "they'll just be judged according to what they know." By saying thus and using this kind of speech or rhetoric in our faith, are we just kidding or fooling ourselves, as in we don't have any responsibility to tell people the truth? Is this the kind of "witness" that Christ expects of us? Are we ashamed to speak up and tell the truth?
According to Leviticus 5:17, ignorance will be no excuse...
“And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD; though he wist it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.”
Please feel free to visit the links below for important Bible study lessons such as The Ten Commandments, The Two Laws, The Feast Days Fulfilled, and more.
In the church of God, do we not care that so many people are going to be burned up in the lake of fire, alive?
This is why we must be born again, as in "born-a-ginn". This is critical. You must experience a rebirth now in this lifetime and become a holy child of God because that's who Christ is going to redeem at His coming and the first resurrection of the dead. If we say we know the truth of the commandments of God and don't speak up in fear of offending our "religious" houseguests, then what good is the Master's talents in our care and possession? What's wrong with mentioning to even our most loving and "sincere" relative or acquaintance, "friend, did you know that "sun" day, Christmas, and Easter are abominations to God?"
“He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.”
(1 John 4:8)
“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”
(1 John 4:16)
“For this is the love of God, that we KEEP HIS commandments: and HIS commandments are NOT grievous.”
(1 John 5:3)
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Carl Palmer - Series on the Law (Part 1 of 4). Part 1: Exploring Types of Law Part 2: Principles of the Law Part...