Testimony of Elder Sammy Moore

January 03, 2023 00:40:29
Testimony of Elder Sammy Moore
Church of God 7th Day
Testimony of Elder Sammy Moore

Jan 03 2023 | 00:40:29


Show Notes

Elder Sammy Moore, age 98 of Stanberry, MO gives encouraging testimony of his heart "BURNING" when he was converted to the Lord.  He also makes mention of 11 sabbath keepers, Seventh-Day Baptists, that joined the Church of God 7th Day organization.

Dear Reader, has your heart ever "burned" because you learned and realized the error of your ways?  Did you become honest with yourself and God Almighty when you took stock and evaluated the sin in your life, in your heart, and in your mind?

Friend, can you hide anymore? Have you ever heard the gospel message that Jesus Christ is waiting for YOU to REPENT!? (Mt 4:17, Lk 13:3) Have you ever questioned what your preacher is preaching? Do his words and speech line up with the opened Bible that's in your lap during the sermon?

Audio converted from an old cassette tape (circa 1980's???) to MP3 on 1/2/2023.

Companion Links:

Podcast Channels: CoG7d, The Living Word

https://mcalestercog7d.com - McAlester, OK

https://facebook.com/sscog7dfsm - Ft. Smith, AR

https://facebook.com/tripletreecog7 - San Antonio, TX

https://wcog7.com - Oklahoma City, OK

https://youtube.com/@church7net464 - Joplin, MO

God's Advice - Tulsa, OK (former pastor Guy Marley)

Christ "Mass" - Tulsa, OK (former pastor Guy Marley)

https://facebook.com/COG7FORTSMITH - Ft. Smith, AR

Christ the Rock Christian Ministries - the late Wilbur Dornberger

https://hammondvillecog7.org - Hammondville, AL

Facebook Group for Christians - Non-Paganism & Non-Feast Keeping



“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

“I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved.” Psalm 119:47

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