A Modern Bible for a Modern World - Trinidad Padilla

October 26, 2022 00:37:07
A Modern Bible for a Modern World - Trinidad Padilla
Church of God 7th Day
A Modern Bible for a Modern World - Trinidad Padilla

Oct 26 2022 | 00:37:07


Show Notes

Sermon date: 7/23/1983

Companion Links:

Podcast Channels: CoG7d, The Living Word

https://mcalestercog7d.com - McAlester, OK

https://facebook.com/sscog7dfsm - Ft. Smith, AR

https://facebook.com/tripletreecog7 - San Antonio, TX

https://wcog7.com - Oklahoma City, OK

https://youtube.com/@church7net464 - Joplin, MO

God's Advice - Tulsa, OK (former pastor Guy Marley)

Christ "Mass" - Tulsa, OK (former pastor Guy Marley)

https://facebook.com/COG7FORTSMITH - Ft. Smith, AR

Christ the Rock Christian Ministries - the late Wilbur Dornberger

https://hammondvillecog7.org - Hammondville, AL

Facebook Group for Christians - Non-Paganism & Non-Feast Keeping



“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

“I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved.” Psalm 119:47

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